You may wonder how over-licensing can even occur. The rollout of the Microsoft 365 introduction is usually carried out with a tight schedule. In addition to the lack of interface processes between the HR department and IT, the following cases can lead to over-licensing in the company.
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Troubleshooting Microsoft 365
The web-based tool Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer helps you with connection problems to Microsoft 365 Services.
Audit Reports for Microsoft Cloud Services
The Microsoft Service Trust Portal provides you with audit reports for Microsoft Cloud Services:
Microsoft 365 Data Backup
Microsoft describes in the article “Data Resiliency in Microsoft 365” which measures Microsoft implements to ensure the availability of applications and data within Microsoft 365.
Overview service status of Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 Service Status contains the service status for Microsoft 365.
If your Microsoft 365 environment is no longer available, you can check the status of Microsoft 365 in this portal.
Emissions impact dashboard for Microsoft 365 (Preview).
Microsoft bietet für die Berechnung der Kohlenstoffbilanzierung eines Unternehmens ein neues Dashboard (aktuell als Vorschau) an.
Overview Activities Microsoft 365 User Account
Microsoft SignIns gives you an overview of your login history and hints about unusual activities with your user account.
Overview of Microsoft Administration Portals
Die Webseite stellt eine Sammlung von Microsoft Administrations Portale zur Verfügung. Es handelt sich dabei um eine private Webseite, keine offizielle Microsoft Webseite!
Reallocation of Microsoft 365 Licenses
Reallocation of Microsoft licenses is regulated in the Microsoft product regulations. Normally, a Microsoft license may not be reassigned more than once within 90 days. Exceptions are regulated in the product regulations, including loss of a device or if an employee leaves the organization.
Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center
The Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center helps administrators manage Microsoft 365 Office apps in the enterprise.